Chains of ways with ref='P'

ref # of ways dupe
start end length bearing
P 1 0 start end 4007 319
P 1 0 start end 3117 282
P 1 0 start end 171 322
P 1 0 start end 1085 41
P 1 0 start end 808 11
P 1 0 start end 726 19
P 1 0 start end 1070 48
P 1 0 start end 959 355
P 3 0 start end 656 339
P 1 0 start end 2739 5
P 3 0 start end 2741 337
P 1 0 start end 5359 271
12 chains

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Generated 2010-10-17T22:59:29+01:00 from file /home/harrywood/public_html/waychains/us-motorways-simplified.osm